Gender equality plan

Finrenes Gender Equality Plan

Finrenes is committed to improving gender equality in the workplace in order to ensure a safe and equal working space for all, and equal career advancement opportunities.

Due to the size of our organization, we currently don’t have a separate department for gender equality affairs, but the matter is very important to our team, and we use an equality-centered hiring strategy.

When our company reaches a stage in which we have the required resources to establish a separate entity for the advancement of gender equality, we intend to exceed the industry standard on equal hiring.

The Finnish constitution takes a firm stance against discrimination, and even promotes gender equality in society. The constitution says: ‘’No one shall be treated differently to others on the grounds of gender or any other personal attributes. Gender equality is to be promoted in social activity, working life, pay and employment.’’ (Constitution 731/1999).

Gender equality awareness training is something that we believe is important even if there aren’t any cases of harassment or discrimination.

Petteri Salonen

CEO, Finrenes

Gender Equality Plan